The collective of the illustration magazine «Popper» keeps producing great publications, experimenting with various formats. The latest issue is dedicated to the frequencies of the body, both human and animal, and printed in A3 size.
Latvian artists in this issue of «Popper» are represented by Andrejs Lavrinovičs, Maija Kurševa, Klāvs Loris, Mārtiņš Zutis, Pēteris Līdaka, Līva Rutmane, Kaspars Groševs, Baiba Baiba, Tron Karton, Dace Sietiņa, Oļa Vasiljeva, Daša Meļņikova, Zane Zlemeša and Aigars Opincāns.
The issues international contributors: Brendan Danielsson from the USA, Shoboshobo, Mathieu Desjardins and Frédéric Fleury from France, Saddo from Romania, Tellas from Italy, Ian Stevenson from the UK, Raymond Lemstra from the Netherlands, Daisuke Ichiba from Japan, Tommi Musturi from Finland, and many others.
Find your nearest store on «Popper’s» website or order online.
