Ezera Skaņas (Lake Sounds) Festival announces the application for summer camps from August 19 to 25. The summer camps will take place at Kala Lake, where projects in design, choreography, literature, photography and 8mm film art will be developed. The camps have a distinctly free character with a focus on creativity and the release of every creative potential.
The design camp will give a chance to work on eight large–scale projects — unique environmental objects and floating stages. The photography camp will give the opportunity to meet like–minded people and develop personal photo skills through discussions and practical work. During the camp, each photographer will have the opportunity to choose an individual focus on different subjects. The choreography camp will allow to work with your body, release your movement and participate in the creation of a unique performance in the territory of Kala Lake, Madona county, Vestiena parish. The text camp will provide the opportunity to share participants’ existing works and work on new material in a scope of one week. The camps main topic is News, which will be published in the local newspaper and broadcast on Ezera Skaņas radio station. While the 8mm film arts camp is an opportunity to get to know and practice analogue film media.
During the volunteer camp, various auxiliary work will be done: painting, grass mowing, moving things over the land and water, so the atmosphere for Ezera Skaņas could be arranged. The participation in the volunteer camp is free of charge, participants of other camps are asked to cover their own catering and accommodation costs of 65 euros. The materials needed for the camps will be provided by the organisers of Ezera Skaņas in cooperation with Association Ascendum and the British Council.
Participants aged 18 and over, with or without background knowledge, are invited to fill out a questionnaire on the summer camp website. The application process for the design camp will be open until July 17, while for the rest of the camps — until July 28. The workshops at the summer camp will be in English.
The camps will take place from August 19 to 25. Ezera Skaņas festival — on August 26 at 5.00.
