On April 8, 2016, international competition for young fashion designers from Europe and CIS countries is going to take place in Riga. Participants must entry the competition until January 12. Around 30 collections will continue on to the finals to compete for the honour of best designer and prizes.
For the sixteenth time the competition «Habitus Baltija» in Kipsala is organised by the International Exhibition Company «BT 1» in cooperation with the Art Academy of Latvia and other higher education institutions. The aim of the event is to discover new talents, exchange knowledge and experience and to be a substantial platform to kick–start the professional growth of designers.
46 young fashion designers from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Poland, Croatia, Russia, Turkey and Belarus participated in the «Habitus Baltija 2015» competition. Yet 2016 will bring some changes — event coordinator Sanita Blomniece explains that this time there will be a preliminary competition, so that only «the best of the best» would compete in the finals.

Applications for the «Habitus Baltija 2016» preliminary competition are open until 12 January, 2016. The jury will accept women’s, men’s and mixed fashion collections from this year. Both individuals and school–nominated representatives can participate in the competition. Fashion schools may nominate up to five collections to enter in the competition. Each collection must have 5 to 7 pieces.
A preliminary competition jury will evaluate all participant entries. Around 30 collections will continue on to the competition finals, which will take place on April 8, 2016, at the Exhibition Centre in Kipsala. According to the organisers, conceptual and artistic ideas, originality of construction, high quality and innovations are highly appreciated. The finals of «Habitus Baltija» will be judged by an international panel of experts: fashion designers, educators, clothing production specialists and editors of fashion publications.
All competition finalists will compete for the honour of best designer and Grand Prix statuette, as well as valuable prizes for advancing their careers. The school that is represented in the final with at least two collections and whose finalists’ average performance is the highest will receive the title of best school and the «Habitus Baltija» Grand Prix statuette.
The international competition for young designers «Habitus Baltija» will take place at the International exhibition Centre Kipsala on April 8, 2016. Applications for the competition are open until 12 January, 2016. Decisions of the preliminary jury regarding competition finalists will be announced on 1 February, 2016. More information on the competition can be found on the homepage of the event.