The Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture (NDPC) invites practitioners from cultural and creative sectors from Latvia, Estonia, and Finland to apply for the CreativeGPS training programme, which will take place from late October to December both online and in person. The aim of the programme is to develop creative professionals’ competences in career planning, management, and development. The deadline for applications is September 15.
In Europe, professionals in cultural and creative fields face many challenges in securing sustainable employment and income. Their work often involves multiple and diverse activities, making it rare to have a steady income from just one source. There is a lack of supportive measures that address this specific group and its capacity for a more stable career. The CreativeGPS is a training program designed to support creative professionals in navigating their careers with greater awareness and a stronger strategic approach. Acknowledging common challenges in creative professions, it focuses on building participants’ capacities to manage their careers by developing essential soft skills and exploring entrepreneurial potentials.
The programme is aimed at professionals in the arts, culture, and creative industries who meet at least one of the following criteria: self-employed or freelance; struggling to find a job in line with their qualifications or abilities; on a low income; in the early stages of their career or in a transition phase (e.g. returning from parental leave). A total of 66 places are available, 22 in each country.
The programs will run from October 28th until December 13th 2024. The entire program runs over a structured timeline with in-person and online sessions. The programme will start with in-person national launch events in Helsinki, Riga, and Tallinn, followed by a two-week period with four online workshops. The second phase of the training includes a two-day event in Tallinn on November 29 and 30, which will bring together all participants and aims to improve entrepreneurial and marketing skills as well as to increase international cooperation. The final phase of the programme includes one online meeting with other participants and a workshop that will summarise what has been learnt during the training programme.
The programme is free of charge, but participants are required to cover their travel costs to Tallinn. The deadline to apply for the programme is September 15. For more information on the training programme, visit the NDPC website.