«Talented» is the new, improved version of Latvian fashion brand «I’m Your Shirt». Along with the name change the range of their clothes has increased, and glass artist and designer Artis Nīmanis has created complementary accessories for the brand’s first capsule collection. The latest Spring–Summer 2017 fashion collection was presented during the last Riga Fashion Week.
For the Spring–Summer 2017 collection «Talented» designer Indra Miklāva took inspiration in abandoned military bases, where nature has slowly overtaken military buildings and war machines. She continued to explore the topic by studying historical Latvian army uniforms and their functional details to adopt them in her latest safari style collection. Military style has always been close to Indra because of its functionality, natural fabrics and sexiness. On the other hand, in safari style there are many military details too, but with a completely different, more civil aim — to make the exploring of other countries more comfortable. «And when traveling, it is possible to conquer other countries while taking nothing away from them,» adds Indra.
The collection consists mostly of cotton, linen, cotton lace blouses and shirt–dresses, poplin and linen shirts, complemented with cotton gabardine chino pants and shorts as well as with light cotton jackets, overalls and skirts. Style wise the collection has various influences from minimal to safari and military, it is supplemented with extra feminine accents — semi–transparent lace and flounces.

«Talented» specialises in designing and making of shirts and shirt–dresses. Until September the brand was known as «I’m Your Shirt», founded in 2012. Indra says that in the beginning it was meant to be an online shirt constructor, but now they have «outgrown the shirt» and ready to offer a wider range of clothing, renouncing the constructor. Yet one thing has remained — the one contrasting colour button in the chest area of each «Talented» garment is still a signature sign.
The core values of the brand are quality, wit and freshness, while the wearers of their clothes are curious and full of ideas. «We ended up with «Talented» when in one meeting we began to explore our real customers in greater depth — who are the people that return to us for new purchases. We came to a conclusion that they all are talented people — composers, artists, managers, scientists, etc.,» Indra explains how they thought up the new brand name. The idea to create a capsule collection in collaboration with talented people once a year was also introduced. As a result, the rebranding was marked with a capsule collection created with the brand «Glass Muse» by glass artist and designer Artis Nīmanis — jewellery and cufflinks were created exclusively for the collection.
